The Clay County Fair Board (a non-profit organization) and the Clay County 4-H Program provide our community youth with the opportunity to develop leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Through participation in 4-H, community youth develop skills in areas including: communication, leadership, arts, environmental studies, agriculture, plants, animals, consumer science, healthy lifestyles, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Many of our 122 Clay County 4-Hers are also actively involved in our community through service projects and community events.
The Clay County Fair is a community celebration highlighting the accomplishments of all our local 4-H youth. The Clay County Fair will be held August 8 through August 10, 2024. Your tax-deductible contributions support events for the community to enjoy during the fair. Your donations are also used to purchase 4-H ribbons in addition to a monetary award for exhibitors.
It takes the efforts of many volunteers and the financial support of the community to ensure the success of the fair that everyone can enjoy. We would greatly appreciate any donation that you are willing to provide in support of the Clay County Fair as we work to improve and grow this community event.
Enclosed is sponsorship information that details the different levels of participation available. This is a great opportunity for you and your company to receive exposure and help support a worthy community event.
For details about the different levels of sponsorship available, please click the button. Checks should be made out to: Clay County Fair Board and sent to 515 High Street, Vermillion, SD 57069 on or before June 14 to be included in advertising.
On behalf of the Clay County Fair Board and Clay County 4-Hers we would like to thank you for in advance for your support of the Clay County Fair. Together, lets make our community fair as fun and exciting as ever.
Details about the different levels of sponsorship are available below. Donations of all sizes are appreciated!
Related sites:
Extension Office and 4-H Program
Clay County Fair Board is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
Copyright © 2019 Clay County Fair - All Rights Reserved.