Vendor area open: Thursday 1-8 p.m., Friday 1-8 p.m., and Saturday, 10 am - 6 p.m.
-Representative must be present during these hours! Failure to abide by this rule may result in a forfeiture of your vendor space and not being welcomed back in the future.
-Booths not set up by Thursday, August 7 @ 2 pm will forfeit the space and payment.
All vendors MUST provide proof of valid sales tax license, if selling merchandise on site.
Booth Options-spots are full!!
$50.00 Inside Booth-8' x 10' booth, 1 table, 2 chairs, electricity included
$175.00 Outside Food Vendor
*Fee includes City of Vermillion Itinerant Merchant, Peddler, Solicitor and Special Events Permit which will be purchased by the Clay County Fair Board.
-Due to our limited space, we will not allow duplicate vendors.
-2024 vendors have until April 1 to reserve their spot for 2025. If you are a new vendor, you are more than welcome to submit your registration paperwork at any time but please hold off on submitting payment until you hear from us.
-Please complete and submit the vendor application below.
-Payment options: mail payment to 515 High St or Venmo @sdclaycountyfair
Related sites:
Extension Office and 4-H Program
Clay County Fair Board is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
Copyright © 2019 Clay County Fair - All Rights Reserved.